Your Best Performance: Hydration – WVUA 23
1 min read

Your Best Performance: Hydration – WVUA 23

Bottled water


If you’re going to a fall football game as a spectator, take care to protect yourself from heat-related illnesses.

Like athletes, hydrate with water before, during and after play. When you’re at the stadium, familiarize yourself with first aid and cooling stations.

Know your body. If you feel dizzy, nauseous, or have a racing heart, go to a cooling center.

If symptoms do not subside after several minutes of intense cooling, seek immediate medical attention. Otherwise, you may suffer heatstroke.

Talk to your pharmacist or doctor to see if any medications you are taking make you less tolerant to heat. Some common medications for diabetes or high blood pressure can increase the likelihood of dehydration, for example.

Being aware of your surroundings and your own body will make the game enjoyable and safe.